new SimpleVertecQuery()

Returns a new SimpleVertecQuery object.

setApi(api) -> void

Sets the api object for all the requests.

  • SimpleVertecApi api: An instance of SimpleVertecApi


var SimpleVertecApi = require('simple-vertec-api').SimpleVertecApi;
var SimpleVertecQuery = require('simple-vertec-api').SimpleVertecQuery;

var api = new SimpleVertecApi('http://localhost', 'my-username', 'my-password', true);

setMemcached(cache) -> void

Sets global cache instance of memcached for every instance.

  • memcached cache: An instance of memcached


var SimpleVertecQuery = require('simple-vertec-api').SimpleVertecQuery;

var memcached = require('memcached');
let _cache = new memcached('localhost:11211', {maxValue: 1024*1024*15});

setAppCacheKey(appCacheKey) -> void

Sets global app cache key for every instance.

  • string appCacheKey: App cache key


var SimpleVertecQuery = require('simple-vertec-api').SimpleVertecQuery;


findById(ids) -> SimpleVertecQuery

Finds one or many ids. Returns instance of itself for chaining.

  • number[] ids: One id or an array of ids

Example 1

new SimpleVertecQuery()
    .addFields('name', 'kuerzel')
    .then(function(response) {
        // do something with the result

Example 2

new SimpleVertecQuery()
    .findById([123, 234])
    .addFields('name', 'kuerzel')
    .then(function(response) {
        // do something with the result

whereOcl(ocl) -> SimpleVertecQuery

Adds ocl expression to select. Returns instance of itself for chaining.

  • string ocl: Ocl expression


new SimpleVertecQuery()
    .then(function(response) {
        // do something with the result

whereSql(sql) -> SimpleVertecQuery

Adds sql where expression to select. Returns instance of itself for chaining.

  • string sql: Sql where expression


new SimpleVertecQuery()
    .whereSql('aktiv = 1')
    .addFields('name', 'kuerzel')
    .then(function(response) {
        // do something with the result

orderBy(order) -> SimpleVertecQuery

Adds order expression. Returns instance of itself for chaining.

  • string order: Order expression


new SimpleVertecQuery()
    .whereSql('aktiv = 1')
    .addFields('name', 'kuerzel')
    .then(function(response) {
        // do something with the result

addParam(value) -> SimpleVertecQuery

Adds param value for injecting into fields (only as object) and select expressions. Returns instance of itself for chaining.

For more examples see api and params handling.

  • mixed value: Mixed value parameter


var paramObject = {
    field1: 'name',
    field2: 'kuerzel'

new SimpleVertecQuery()
    .addFields(':field1', ':field2')
    .then(function(response) {
        // do something with the result

addParams(...values) -> SimpleVertecQuery

Adds param values for injecting into fields (only as object) and select expressions. Returns instance of itself for chaining.

Either the first argument is an array containing parameters or every every argument is an parameter.

  • mixed values: Mixed value parameters


new SimpleVertecQuery()
    .addFields('?', '?')
    .addParams('name', 'kuerzel')
    .then(function(response) {
        // do something with the result

addField(value, [alias]) -> SimpleVertecQuery

Adds one field to field array. Returns instance of itself for chaining.

  • mixed value: Mixed value parameter
  • string | object value: Either a string with the field or an object containing ocl and alias expressions
  • string alias optional: Optional alias string if value is a string containing an ocl expression


new SimpleVertecQuery()
    .addField('code', 'projectTitle')
    .then(function(response) {
        // do something with the result

addFields(values...) -> SimpleVertecQuery

Adds multiple fields to field array. Returns instance of itself for chaining.

Either the first argument is an array containing fields or every every argument (either a string or object) is a field.

  • mixed values: Mixed value parameters


new SimpleVertecQuery()
    .addFields(['name', 'kuerzel'])
    .then(function(response) {
        // do something with the result

setCacheTTL(seconds) -> SimpleVertecQuery

Sets cache duration time in seconds and thus activates caching. Returns instance of itself for chaining.

If no cacheKey is set, the hashed value of the request xml will be used as cacheKey.

  • number seconds: Seconds for item to be in cache


new SimpleVertecQuery()
    .addFields(['name', 'kuerzel'])
    .then(function(response) {
        // do something with the result

setCacheGraceTime(seconds) -> SimpleVertecQuery

Additional grace seconds for item to remain in cache while it's getting renewed. Returns instance of itself for chaining.

Response data will include onGrace flag.

  • number seconds: Seconds for item to be additionally in cache


new SimpleVertecQuery()
    .addFields(['name', 'kuerzel'])
    .then(function(response) {
        // do something with the result

setCacheKey(value) -> SimpleVertecQuery

Sets cache key for that cache entry. Returns instance of itself for chaining.

Useful for caching a request which has changing parameters but still returns similar data (like changing dates or finance data for a static report).

  • string value: Item cache key


new SimpleVertecQuery()
    .addFields(['name', 'kuerzel'])
    .then(function(response) {
        // do something with the result

addTransformer(transformer) -> SimpleVertecQuery

Adds a transformer function which will be called after a request returns a response. Returns instance of itself for chaining.

Each transformer closure should return the transformed value.

  • function transformer: Transformer function

Example 1

new SimpleVertecQuery()
    .addTransformer(function(rawResponse) {
        // do something with the result and return a response for the next transformer

        return newResponse;
    .then(function(response) {
        // do something with the result

Example 2

new SimpleVertecQuery()
    .addTransformer(function(rawResponse1) {
        // do something first with the data and return for the next transformer

        return newResponse;
    .addTransformer(function(rawResponse2) {
        // follows after first transformer and gets its returned data as new response

        return newResponse;
    .then(function(response) {
        // do something with the result

filterProperty(key, toArray = false) -> SimpleVertecQuery

Sets a property filter which extracts the result for the specific property. Returns instance of itself for chaining.

  • string key: Property key to extract
  • boolean toArray: Optionally converts value to an array


new SimpleVertecQuery()
    .findById([123, 234])
    .filterProperty('Projektbearbeiter', true)
    .then(function(response) {
        // do something with the result

setRootKey(newKey) -> SimpleVertecQuery

Sets optional root key for data to be capsuled. Returns instance of itself for chaining.

Default property is data.

  • string newKey: New root key


new SimpleVertecQuery()
    .findById([123, 234])
    .then(function(response) {
        // do something with the result

zip(path, keyToCheck = null, forceArray = true) -> SimpleVertecQuery

Zips together the properties of the property at path's position. Returns instance of itself for chaining.

Wildcards using '*' are allowed too.

  • string path: Path to the object property
  • null|string keyToCheck: Uses key to check wether result is a valid object
  • boolean forceArray: Forces path to become an array


new SimpleVertecQuery()
            ocl: 'phasen.boldid->listToString("===")',
            alias: 'phases.objid'
            ocl: 'phasen.code->listToString("===")',
            alias: 'phases.code'
    .zip('phases', 'objid')
    .then(function(response) {
        // do something with the result

inParallel(value = true) -> SimpleVertecQuery

Toggles parallel fetching mode of multiple objrefs. Returns instance of itself for chaining.

  • boolean value: Sets parallel mode


new SimpleVertecQuery()
    .findById([123, 234])
    .then(function(response) {
        // do something with the result

get(refresh = false) -> SimpleVertecQuery

Sends a request with all settings and returns response. Returns instance of itself for chaining.

  • boolean refresh: Forces a new request, even if caching is on.


new SimpleVertecQuery()
    .findById([123, 234])
    .then(function(response) {
        // do something with the result